Tag: Privacy

Is Apple Really the Only Secure Option?

During the 2019 Computer Electronics Show (CES), Apple purchased a billboard claiming, “what happens on your iPhone, stays on your iPhone.” Following the recent Facebook scandal pertaining to a breach of privacy and security among other things, many have become skeptical regarding other tech companies. It is important for us to understand what exactly we are trading off in exchange…

5 Considerations When Creating Your Will

The “accumulation years”, the time you spend on working and acquiring assets for both your personal and financial future use. During this period, you pursue your interests and donate to charities, own businesses, invest in stocks, and purchase property. Regardless of the type of assets you possess, you will most likely want them protected and deliberately distributed amongst your beneficiaries…

A Very Short Overview of Canadian Privacy and Personal Information Protection Jurisprudence

The Canadian government has enacted federal and provincial legislation, to protect personal information and privacy interests of individual citizens. In addition to these statutory frameworks, the Canadian judiciary has also been active in creating dialogue around common law causes of action in cases of breach of privacy. When a Government Entity Breaches Your Privacy Section 8 of the Canadian Charter…