Tag: litigation

How to Handle Residential Construction Disputes

It’s no secret that residential construction disputes are stressful. From the owner’s perspective, a residential construction dispute is when further work or repairs need to be completed and paid for by the party responsible for using faulty materials or encountered issues with the design, construction, or renovation process. Where things get more complicated, however, is when there are multiple responsible…

5 Considerations When Creating Your Will

The “accumulation years”, the time you spend on working and acquiring assets for both your personal and financial future use. During this period, you pursue your interests and donate to charities, own businesses, invest in stocks, and purchase property. Regardless of the type of assets you possess, you will most likely want them protected and deliberately distributed amongst your beneficiaries…

Unjust Enrichment: Norkum v. Fletcher, 2018 BCSC 904 Case Summary

A few decisions on unjust enrichment hold the reader’s eye like Norkum v. Fletcher, 2018 BCSC 904.  The decision starts: “Sex for pay, opportunism, deception and false expectations form the backdrop to this litigation.”  On June 1, 2018, the Supreme Court of BC issued reasons finding in Mr. Norkum’s favor on allegations of unjust enrichment arising from two properties. The…

Leaving a Will & Testament

Estate planning is like raising a child.  Once you realize how important it was, it’s often too late!  Proper planning ensures that the remains of your estate are dealt with according to your wishes, and more importantly it protects your most valuable assets; and peace of mind for your family and loved ones.  There are a number of ways to…