Tag: estate

What’s the Difference between the B.C. Speculation Tax and the City of Vancouver Empty Homes Tax?

Do you know what the difference is between the B.C. Speculation Tax and the City of Vancouver Empty Homes Tax? With the recent introduction of the B.C. Speculation Tax soon after the City of Vancouver Empty Homes Tax, many are left wondering: what’s the difference? It’s not uncommon to be misinformed or left confused about the nature of each type…

The Effects of More Stringent Mortgage Rules

Canadian home sales have fallen due to the tougher mortgage qualification rules that have deterred prospective buyers. The real estate market tightened its regulations in an attempt to make certain that buyers will be able to sustain potential fluctuations in their economic standing. This may be in terms of interest rate volatility, should their interest rates surpass that of their…

5 Considerations When Creating Your Will

The “accumulation years”, the time you spend on working and acquiring assets for both your personal and financial future use. During this period, you pursue your interests and donate to charities, own businesses, invest in stocks, and purchase property. Regardless of the type of assets you possess, you will most likely want them protected and deliberately distributed amongst your beneficiaries…

Contractor Disputes

Vancouver’s real-estate market has been on the rise and contractors are in high demand.  From the maintenance of a real-estate investment to renovating or building a house; more people are generally inclined to enter into an agreement with a contractor or builder.  An agreement struck with a contractor for restoration, renovation or building services fall within the scope of contract…

Leaving a Will & Testament

Estate planning is like raising a child.  Once you realize how important it was, it’s often too late!  Proper planning ensures that the remains of your estate are dealt with according to your wishes, and more importantly it protects your most valuable assets; and peace of mind for your family and loved ones.  There are a number of ways to…