

Trusts: Alter Ego & Joint Partner

Our attorneys specializing in trusts may assist you in establishing an alter ego trust or a joint partner trust. To ensure the trust is tax-efficient and advantageous to you, a tax lawyer provides independent guidance. About: Inter vivos trusts like alter ego and joint partner trusts allow you to transfer assets throughout your lifetime. After it’s set up, you’ll have…


The Actual Price of Dying

The majority of people are aware that when we die, legal procedures must be followed, and that these procedures are often complex, time-consuming, and costly. Although it is possible to decrease or remove many of these obstacles by diligent estate planning, the following is a quick overview of the actual expenses connected with the administration of an estate after death.…

What’s the Difference between the B.C. Speculation Tax and the City of Vancouver Empty Homes Tax?

Do you know what the difference is between the B.C. Speculation Tax and the City of Vancouver Empty Homes Tax? With the recent introduction of the B.C. Speculation Tax soon after the City of Vancouver Empty Homes Tax, many are left wondering: what’s the difference? It’s not uncommon to be misinformed or left confused about the nature of each type…